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Our financial modelling service is particularly valulable for people who are approaching retirement with savings between $200,000 and $5 million.

Jubilacion is run by qualified actuaries who specialise in superannuation and investments.

Millions of Australians enter retirement with no clarity on how their savings will cover their living costs for the rest of their lives. This leaves them anxious and uncertain about how long their savings will last, whether they have enough and how to optimise what they’ve got.

We believe:

  • Life-long cashflow projections are essential to getting retirement right
  • The projections must be holistic including super, other assets/incomes and the means-tested aged pension
  • It requires stress-testing to deliver confidence (called ‘stochastic modelling’). E.g. if markets were to crash
  • Most people need expert support with this and will pay for help that they can trust (as a stand-alone service without product advice)

We make this easy.

Enjoy a short demonstration of our service providing you with key insights. We demonstrate our calculator taking into account key factors, including; age, wealth, super, Age Pension entitlements and more…

This will help you to confirm whether you’re OK. If you are, then we discuss how to optimise your retirement. If not, we will talk you through what you can do about it.


Your results

Am I on track?

What retirement profile am I in?

Finances, superannuation and entitlements

Working part time

Lifestyle considerations

Free trial FAQs.